2 Project Hephaestus Development Blog: Four Basic Functions Implemented

Project Hephaestus Development Blog

Tracking the development of a desktop blogging client that aims to bring blogging closer to word processing

Four Basic Functions Implemented

The four basic functions (GET one or more posts, create/POST a new post, EDIT an existing post, and DELETE an existing post) are all implemented for Blogger.com blogs!

The aformentioned timestamp problem still exists, but right now, I don't really care. I'll add in support for some more styling and make it public. After that, I hope to have a product people will care about supporting and adding to.

Obviously, PH will be Open Source. I want to attract a larger audience, a community if you will, to help me develop this software. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me release it first!


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  1. March 2006
  2. April 2006

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